Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Great news. The wait is over.

Brian Nagle April 4th, 2018 2:45PM

When I first began consulting on HVAC systems in 1996, R22 was the refrigerant manufacturers were using. That's 22 years ago. There are still over 25% of those systems in peoples residences. As of December 31st, 2019 there will be no R22 refrigerant manufactured for sale in the United States. Full transparency, there will be synthetic substitute versions, with different levels of effectiveness. Most central air systems of that era were 8 and 10 SEER single stage systems. Fast forward to 2018, where the single stage system is now entry level, and the variable speed technology is quickly gaining market share at an increasing rate. For the consultant and the home owner, these variable speed systems make both economic and ecological sense. If you can control your indoor environment to within a single degree all season long, that makes sense. No one can argue that reducing electric usage saves both the environment and money, which makes sense. If you have solar in your home or business, these variable speed systems are the most solar compatible systems, drawing as little as 1 amp on start up. so this makes sense. Putting pencil to paper, the difference in installation costs between a variable speed system and a single stage system will be made up in less than 3 seasons with the decreased utility costs. The better variable speed systems provide heating capability down to single digits, so you have a dual fuel residence or business. The seasoned consultant can intelligently discuss the benefits of this great new technology. Lastly, in just the past few years, this technology is available in both ducted and ductless systems. If your net cost is zero, the only question is why haven't you made the change. If you want to know more, email Brian Nagle at

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