Thursday, December 8, 2016

The easiest way to measure your indoor Humidity

The easiest way to measure humidity is to buy a Hygrometer. Hygrometers measure humidity from 0% (dry) to 100% (when any more moisture comes out as precipitation or fog.) Relative Humidity (RH) can change throughout the day. Colder air holds less moisture, so the RH level will normally be higher at night. you can purchase these at retail stores, hardware or home improvement stores. These can be purchased starting at under $10.00. With humidifiers you can adjust the humidity to a comfortable setting. There is nothing worse than sinus headaches and winter nose bleeds. Lack of humidity renders our nasal defenses harmless against airborne toxins, contributing to increased colds and flu between November and March. Check out our indoor air quality solutions at 

Call us for a free estimate today. 
Our management team at True Mechanical has well over 100 years’ experience in all phases of heating and cooling. 

We offer affordable service,calls and service contracts. We offer no charge quotes on system replacements. True Mechanical is 40 years in business and with over 100,000 installations on Long Island. Visit our website at 631-563-1298.
We ask for your input and comments. If there is an industry subject you wish to know more about, please let us know.

About the Author. Brian Nagle started in the HVAC industry in 1996 on Long Island and has been with True Mechanical since 2011. Additionally, he has over 20 years experience in finance and aviation management. 

Brian can be contacted at the office number above or by email at

True Mechanical Corp, Bohemia, NY 

IAQ, AFUE, Allergy, Humidifiers, Furnace, Steam Humidifier , Aprilaire, Honeywell, Seaford Massapequa Merrick Bellmore Wantagh, HVAC Boilers Gas Heating Equipment Sears, Home Depot, Lowes, PC Richard's Air Conditioning Installation Trane, Rheem, Mitsubishi, Daikin, Carrier, Bryant, Goodman, Lennox, York, 

1 comment:

  1. الهواء الراكد من اكثر المسببات للرواح الكريهه فى المكان ومن اكثر الاشياء التى يحتاج الى تجددها فمن افضل الطرق هو القيام بفتح الشبابيك المتواجده فى المكان والقيام بفتح الشفاط الكهربائى وتغير الهواء المتواكد فى المكان ، او القيام بزيوت عطرية ووضعها فى بخاخات والقيام برش على الارضيات والكنب والاماكن التى بيها روائح كريهه .
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